Our Work
We are very pleased and proud to be able to showcase several projects which have been completed and which add to the facilities of the Kadina Oval precinct.
This was our first major project and will be always considered the 'Flagship' of our achievements. Supplied by Big Screen Video, it was used for the last half of the 2023 season.
Many thanks go to Kerin Herbert for the steel fabrication work and erection, Baden Napier for electrical and David Russack for optical fibre.
Advertising on the screen during intervals on game day is available - please contact Kadina Football Club or Kent or Dean.
After an initial delay in sourcing the best outdoor speakers from overseas, this project was completed just in time for the 2023 First Semifinal which Kadina hosted.
Club members are still investigating the myriad of options this system allows and 2024 will expose a full catalogue of game day experiences.
Look forward to the players entering the field with the club song blaring.

The KOFF Board was pleased to make a significant contribution toward the renovation of the Hockey and Soccer Club toilets.
Not only does this facility on the boundary between the Oval and Hockey Field benefit the clubs involved, but it can be used as an additional amenity when other major events are held on the Oval.
It was a pleasure to work with Hockey Club President, Tegan Mengerson to have this finished during the 2023 season.
We will be hoping this next completed project will be ready by football season